Ms Polina Ermolaeva, HTMi, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute, Switzerland
Associate Editor
Mr Charles Hains , HTMi, Hotel and Tourism Management Institute, Switzerland
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr Carlos Oberli, HTMi
Dr Paul Barron, ENU
Mr Ian Larmour , HTMi
Ms Titti Torstennson
Dr Una McMahon-Beattie, Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK
Ms Ursula Quinn, Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK
Guidelines for submitting an article to
The International Hospitality and Tourism Student Journal
Articles for publication in the first instance should be submitted by email to polina.ermolaeva@htmi.ch
Please read these Guidelines very carefully and pay attention to the detail. Failure to follow these Guidelines may result in your article being returned to you for amendment and hence its publication will be delayed. Please also pay particular attention to the referencing conventions used by The International Hospitality and Tourism
Student Journal and based on Harvard referencing.
Articles must directly address core issues in hospitality or tourism. Articles should provide a clear theoretical rationale for the work discussed, rather than provide just a descriptive account. Articles should be written to appeal to and to be understood by an international audience.
The International Hospitality and Tourism Student Journal will review all submissions provided they are the property (copyright) of the submitting author(s). Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources. Articles will only be considered for publication if they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
Each article will be peer reviewed by two members of the Editorial Board.
Format of articles
All articles should begin with the Title of the article, followed by the names, addresses and email addresses of all Authors.
There must be a brief abstract (approximately 200 words) before the text of the article. Abstracts should be accurate summaries of the work undertaken, including the rationale, methodology and conclusions reached.
Articles should be 2000-6000 words in length, including references. Pages should not be numbered. Footnotes should be avoided.
Articles should be typed in Garamond font size 10; single line spacing; with 2.54 cm margins on left and right; and 2.54 cm margins top and bottom.
Figures, Diagrams and Tables should be clearly labelled and numbered: Figure 1, Figure 2; Diagram 1, Diagram 2; Table 1, Table 2 and so on.
All abbreviations must be fully explained at their first occurrence and the use of acronyms should be kept to a minimum bearing in mind the international readership.
References must be included for every item referred to in the article and should be presented in the Harvard style.
It is very important that these guidelines are followed exactly.
Articles for publication in the first instance should be submitted by email to polina.ermolaeva@htmi.ch